Dr. Antonios Pitsis, PhD, FETCS, FESC

Head of Cardiac Surgery

Endoscopic closure of atrial septal defects

Endoscopic closure of atrial septal defects

Endoscopic closure of atrial septal defects

Atrial septal defect is a common congenital heart disease, characterised by a deficit in the interatrial septum, which separates the left and right atria of the heart. There are different types of interatrial communications depending on the location of the defect in the interatrial septum: ostium primum, ostium  secundum, sinus venosus, coronary sinus defect.

The surgical closure of all types of atrial septal defects is performed by our surgical team totally endoscopic.

Endoscopic closure of the interatrial communications offers, in addition to the excellent surgical result, rapid recovery without postoperative pain as well as an excellent cosmetic result (no scarring).

Information for cardiac patients
See the Cardiac Surgery Information Guide

Dr. Pitsis is the Head of Cardiac Surgery in Interbalkan Medical Center, Thessaloniki, Greece. He specialises in totally endoscopic, minimally invasive and endovascular techniques.

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Interbalkan Medical Center

Asklipiou 10, 55 535, Pilaia, Greece

+30 2310 400850


Papakiritsi 8 & Adrianoupoleos, 551 33 Kalamaria - Thessaloniki, Greece

+30 2310 407424


